Sunday, November 13, 2011

This is the second time my nissan march dumps all the engine oil while running?

The first time at the nissan dealership they told me that it was because the filter wasn't the right one this happened about 3 month after the first month inspection, we are talking about a brand new car, the second time just happened yesterday about four month from the first incident. I heven't taken the car to the nissan dealership.

Does any boddy has a clue to what might have been happening here?|||the oil filter has a little rubber ring on it that seals it to the engine housing. It must be coated with oil before it makes contact with the metal, given a 1/4 turn past hand tight and it should stay sealed. If it doesn't and yur car is that new, make the dealer take it back and give yu a new one or replace the engine at least. this should not be a problem if the oil change is done properly|||My clue is that you have been trying to cut costs by installing a cheap filter that isn't right for the car. Take it to the dealer!|||One way that happens is when the engine oil change technician doesn't remove the old oil filter gasket when he does an oil change. So take your car in for an oil change and also have them check for oil leaks.|||It maybe the oil pressure sensor, it will leak if not on correctly or the little hose that is connected to it is ruptured or not on at all.|||well if you havent hit anything and put a hole in the oil pan say you either blew a main seal in the motor or the oil filter loosened up or you blew an oil line somewhere.give it a good visual check.|||take it back and get a new one|||Blocked crank case breather or cheap oil filter(no pressure relief valve)both will cause over pressure of oil and force it out via air intake|||Are you sure its not America stealing it...........?

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